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Maize Meeting
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2014 Maize Genetics Conference Registration:

How To Register:

To attend the meeting, you will need to purchase a conference pass and a hotel room at the meeting site. The pass and room are part of a conference package, and both pass and room must be purchased. The Conference Pass includes everyone's share of the meeting and poster room rental costs along with all the audio-visual and poster equipment, breaks, and buffet meals. The cost per person for the conference pass will be $590 for regular attendees and $390 for students . Rooms are $88 per night/$264 for three conference nights for a double or single. Please make roommate arrangements before you reserve your hotel room and make the reservation with both guest names. You can pay for your conference pass in US dollars at the University of Missouri site or in Yuan through the China Agricultural University site. All the participants need to make hotel reservations through the meeting hotel site (use "maize" as the password).

There are four steps to complete the registration process for the 2014 meeting:

Registration Package Follow the registration package instructions on this page. The registration package includes registration, meals, and meeting costs.
Hotel To register for the conference hotel follow the the Hotel instructions on this page.
Abstract submission To submit a talk or poster abstract follow this link. You must be registered for the conference to submit an abstract.
Travel Awards To apply for a travel award follow this link. Please read about the eligibility requirements before applying for the award.

(12/18/2013) The registration and abstract submission will be extended to January 7th (full price) to accommodate attendees to the Setaria Conference. The hotel is still taking reservations with the Maize Meeting code, but rooms are not guaranteed and could fill up by January 7th.

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Step 1
Registration Package (Registration, Meals, and Meeting):


Advance meeting registration has already passed. Full registration is due by November 1, 2013.

We strongly encourage you to register in advance of the meeting as pre-registration allows us to compile a list of attendees with their affiliations, pre-print nametags, and give meal guarantees.

Registration Package:

Meeting registration is handled through the University of Missouri Conference Office for US dollar transactions and China Agricultural University for Yuan transactions. To register for the meeting, use the appropriate registration link (when available) below by November 1, 2013.

Pay for your conference pass in US dollars at
University of Missouri site


(Pay in Yuan at China Agricultural University)

Download this form to register by email, phone, or mail.

International Attendees:

Those attendees who require letters of invitation to facilitate visa processing may contact the local host Jinsheng Lai at [email protected]. If you have additional questions please contact the meeting chair, Ann Stapleton at [email protected].

To travel to this conference, you may need to obtain a non-immigrant visitor's (or other) visa. Please determine specific requirements for your country.

For U.S. citizens, the link for visa applications is http://www.china-embassy.org/eng/visas/

Registration Package Fees:

Registration fees are as follows:

Advance Registration (Academic, PostDoc and Industry participants) $590
Emeritus/Retired attendees $390
Student* (see below for clarification) $390
Current registration price $640

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Step 2

Please read the following instructions before you reserve your hotel room:
  1. Before proceeding to the reservation link, please make roommate arrangements if you plan to share a room. The meeting site does not have a fixed process to handle room sharing, the participant should find a roommate (Need help finding a roommate), and discuss the payment with each other. Please find a roommate in advance and make the reservation with both guest names.
  2. The front desk can only check you in if they received a whole room deposit. If you have a roommate and you arrive at the hotel at the same time, each person will pay one-half the room deposit and check-in at the front desk of hotel. If a participant arrives at the hotel first, and wants to check-in first, the guest will have to pay the whole room deposit (the balance will be returned at check out), and each guest will pay for half of the room charge when they check-out.
  3. If you want to cancel the room reservation, cancel the booking before March 9th, 2014 for a full refund. If an attendee cancels the room reservation after March 9th, 2014, they will be charged for a room rate of one night.
All the participants need to make hotel reservations using the following link (the booking code is "maize"):

Reserve your hotel room

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Step 3
Abstract Submission:

All abstracts must be submitted electronically by November 30, 2013. Use the link below to begin the process of submitting your abstract. Please indicate on the abstract form whether you wish to present a talk or a poster. Abstracts are limited to 300 words. Time constraints on the meeting may mean that some authors who request oral presentations will be asked to present their data in poster format instead. Abstracts should be submitted under one of the seven research topic categories listed on this abstract submission page and meeting website, based on which the submitter believes is most appropriate. Session topics will be determined (by the MGCSC) based on the abstracts selected for talks, but will likely be similar to the listed categories.

Submit an abstract

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Step 4
Travel Awards:

Please read the following before applying for travel awards for the 56th Annual Maize Genetics Conference:

The application deadline will be October 15, 2013.

The Maize Genetics Conference Steering Committee wishes to support attendance by a representative group of maize scientists. We are especially interested in supporting early-career academic scientists and long-time maize meeting attendees. We anticipate that our fundraising efforts will support awards for airline travel costs (tickets purchase by the Missouri conference center) for a few scientists and conference pass costs for about twenty-five scientists. We request applications for these funds by October 15. Please fill out the form and submit a one-page application to the Steering Committee at the link below. In your application explain your qualifications, your research interests, and whether you are requesting airline ticket support or conference pass support; also explain how you will contribute to student training (at the meeting or associated with the meeting).

The deadline to submit a travel award has passed.

Important Dates
Conference Date
Start Date 13 Mar 2014
End Date 16 Mar 2014

Deadlines Date
Housing 01 Nov 2013
Registration Site 01 Nov 2013
Talk Submission 30 Nov 2013
Poster 30 Nov 2013
Travel Award 15 Oct 2013

News & Information
Aug 20: Apply for travel awards until October 15.
Mar 26: 2014 Maize Meeting will be in Beijing, China.

Meeting Organizers
View the full Steering Committee

The Maize Meeting Steering Committee thanks and acknowledges Junpeng Shi, Weibin Song and the Jinsheng Lai Lab at China Agricultural University for the Chinese translation of the website.